yoga for [every]body

[every] age [every] shape [every] size [every] disability [every] other-ism

  • Seniors

    Offerings include chair or standing yoga that’s tailored for a multitude of specifics such as Parkinson’s, movement disorders, general aging, grief, and depression. Preventative yoga exercises foot strength, grip strength, balance and coordination.

  • Larger body

    Practice involves exploration of postural options to reclaim and build personal power and strength. Includes minor adjustments such as widening stance, raising the floor with a block, adding support with a bolster, adding length with a strap and reconfiguring weight distribution.

  • Disability

    Adaptive and accessible for individuals with intellectual, developmental and/or physical disabilities. Utilizes movements great and small in chair or standing yoga to build self-efficacy and strength. Stretches and asanas tailored to alleviating spasms, cramps, dystrophy and mental stress.

  • Survivors

    Trauma-informed yoga for all who identify as survivors. Keen attention is paid to language, approach and posture use. Sensitive to various mental health diagnoses (depression, anxiety, eating disorders) and/or trauma resulting from a wide range of life experiences. Developed for survivors of health challenges, veterans, recovering addicts, and anyone with PTSD.

Nice to meet you

Hi! My name is Morgan and I’ve been practicing yoga since 2001. I’m a yoga alliance registered yoga teacher with specialized training in adaptive, accessible and trauma informed yoga. Most importantly, I’m here to spread the news that yoga has nothing to do with fancy postures for specific body types, ages and abilities.

Yoga is a means for achieving a personal sense of empowerment and agency through awareness of breath and movement. There are multitudes of ways to engage yoga poses - the most important factor being what it feels like as opposed to what it looks like.

In [every]body yoga, I want to truly practice yoga together - honoring how you feel, strengthening from exactly where you are, and embracing challenge that’s tailored and specific to beautiful you.

Let’s use mindfulness to guide movement and remind you of the power of your mind and your body (regardless of what any person or institution has implied you may be lacking).

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